You’ve bought insurance for a worst-case scenario. But having insurance is just one step. Taking an inventory of your possessions is another. 为什么? 万一被盗, 损失, or damage due to fire or a weather-related event, 你会知道该说什么——加上, it can prevent a delay in your claim. Here are some questions to consider when creating a record of your home inventory:


Besides deciding what you would want to be replaced, figure out what process for cataloging works best for you. For example, you can make a spreadsheet or take videos and pictures using your smartphone. Check with your insurance company; they may have an app or online form available.


Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. Organize your inventory by room. Start with a small closet or the kitchen. 同时,让它成为一种习惯. When you get something new or get rid of something, update your inventory.


Ask your insurance agent what documentation will be needed to make a claim. 你可能需要添加收据, 采购合同, 基本描述, 序列号, 制作和建模, and estimated cost in your records.

How Can You Keep the Inventory List Safe?

Store your inventory in a fireproof safe, an external drive, or an online storage account. Be sure it is a place that is easily accessible.

Hopefully, you won’t have an emergency that requires you to file a claim. But if you do, you’ll appreciate that you are prepared.